Brighten your complexion with daily exfoliating pads.

Let’s face it—no one wants a lackluster complexion, and It Works! Illuminating Facial Pads are a gentle, effective solution for brighter skin. These hydrating, ready-to-go exfoliation pads use both Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Acids to remove dead skin cells and reveal a healthier, more youthful-looking complexion. Formulated exclusively with Dr. Nassif of Botched, Illuminating Facial Pads do more than face value—they let your natural beauty shine through.

Exfoliation is a key part of a healthy skincare routine thatmakes a visible difference to your skin’s appearance. As skin cells replenish, dead cells can cling to your skin’souter layer, forming a barrier that results in a dull, unevencomplexion. By using Illuminating Facial Pads, you canrevive lackluster skin so it looks fresher, younger, andhealthier. Designed with premium exfoliants, these padsbreak down dead skin cells gently, revealing the soft,smooth, glowing skin beneath. It also primes your face
for smoother makeup application and minimizes the
appearance of pores.

What are some of the key, active ingredients in Illuminating Facial Pads?
Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Acids (AHA & BHA)
Beauty-boosting exfoliant acids that break down dead skin cells to reveal healthy, glowing, younger skin
Azelaic Acid Complex
– An advanced skin brightener that illuminates your complexion while delivering an even, balanced skin tone
Caviar Lime
– A gentle, skin-smoothing exfoliant that’s rich in AHAs and helps reveal soft, fresh skin
Willow Bark
– A natural source of BHAs that helps remove complexion-dulling dead skin

Features and Benefits

  • Uses naturally derived AHAs and BHAs to exfoliate and reduce the appearance of pores
  • Removes dead skin cells to help you achieve a brighter, fresher look and even skin-tone
  • Hydrates with humectants that naturally attract moisture to soften and refresh your skin
  • Easily wipes away oil, dirt, makeup, and dead skin that soap and water leave behind
  • Assists the natural renewal processes of your skin

My skin is smoother with fewer imperfections.

Clinical Study ParticipantDirections

Gently wipe your face with a pad, avoiding the sensitive area around your eyes. A normal, tingling sensation may occur—do not rinse off.

Pro Tip

Illuminate more than just your face! Elbows, feet, and even knees are often problem areas for chalky, dead skin. Try using an Illuminating Facial Pad on these parts of your body, too, and see how a simple acid exfoliation can refresh the look and feel of rough skin—anywhere.

What are some of the key, active ingredients in Illuminating Facial Pads?

  • Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Acids (AHA & BHA) – Beauty-boosting exfoliant acids that break down dead skin cells to reveal healthy, glowing, younger skin.
  • Azelaic Acid Complex – An advanced skin brightener that illuminates your complexion while delivering an even, balanced skin tone.
  • Caviar Lime – A gentle, skin-smoothing exfoliant that’s rich in AHAs and helps reveal soft, fresh skin.
  • Willow Bark – A natural source of BHAs that helps remove complexion-dulling dead skin.

Want even more targeted skincare solutions from Beverly Hills? Try the It Works! Dr. Nassif Collection today!

It Works! Illuminating Facial ...
